The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Nexus Platform Plugin

nexusPolicyEvaluation: Invoke Nexus Policy Evaluation

  • iqStage : String
    Controls the stage the policy evaluation will be run against on the Nexus IQ Server.
  • iqInstanceId : String (optional)
  • advancedProperties : String (optional)
    Provide advanced properties to the IQ Server in <key>=<value> pairs, with each additional property appearing on a new line. eg:
  • enableDebugLogging : boolean (optional)
  • failBuildOnNetworkError : boolean (optional)
    Controls the build outcome if there is a failure in communicating with the Nexus IQ Server (e.g. network outage). If checked, the build will be marked as failed. Otherwise, the build is only marked as unstable.
  • failBuildOnScanningErrors : boolean (optional)
  • iqApplication : Object (optional)
  • iqModuleExcludes (optional)
    A comma-separated list of Ant-style patterns relative to the workspace root that denote the module information files (**/nexus-iq/module.xml) to be ignored, e.g. **/my-module/target/**, **/another-module/target/**. If unspecified all modules will contribute dependency information (if any) to the scan.
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • moduleExclude : String
  • iqOrganization : String (optional)
    Select an IQ Organization. This determines the organization under which the application will be created in case the application doesn't exist and the automatic application creation configuration is enabled.
  • iqScanPatterns (optional)
    A list of Ant-style patterns relative to the workspace root that denote the files/archives to be scanned, e.g. **/target/*.war or **/target/*.ear. If unspecified, the scan will default to the patterns **/*.jar, **/*.war, **/*.ear, **/*.zip, **/*.tar.gz.
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • scanPattern : String
  • jobCredentialsId : String (optional)
    To use the IQ server credentials configured in Nexus global configuration for this job select - none -, otherwise select different credentials.

nexusPublisher: Nexus Repository Manager Publisher

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • nexusRepositoryId : String
    The publisher currently supports hosted release Maven 2 repositories. This list is limited to repositories which meet this requirement.
  • packages
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'MavenPackage'
      • mavenCoordinate
          Nested Object
        • groupId : String
        • artifactId : String
        • version : String
        • packaging : String
      • mavenAssetList
          Array / List of Nested Object
        • filePath : String
        • classifier : String
        • extension : String
  • tagName : String (optional)
    Tag is only available for Nexus Repository Manager 3+

associateTag: Associate Tag (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • tagName : String
    The tag which will be applied to components matching the specified search criteria
  • search
    The search criteria used to locate components on the target Nexus Repository Manager server. For more details, please see Search API
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • key : String
    • value : String

createTag: Create Tag (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • tagName : String
    Tag name is required and must be unique. Name can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens and dots and cannot start with an underscore or dot. The name cannot exceed 256 characters
  • tagAttributesJson : String (optional)
    Optional metadata for the tag in JSON format. These attributes will be merged with those contained in the attributes file if both are provided. Attributes in this field will override those present in the file
  • tagAttributesPath : String (optional)
    The file path (environment-aware) to the optional metadata for the tag, using the workspace as the base path

deleteComponents: Delete Components (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • tagName : String
    Components associated with this tag will be deleted

moveComponents: Move Components (Nexus Repository Manager 3.x)

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • destination : String
    The repository to which components will be moved
  • search (optional)
    • Type: java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
  • tagName : String (optional)
    Components associated with this tag will be moved to the selected destination repository

step([$class: 'NexusPublisherBuildStep']): Nexus Repository Manager Publisher

  • nexusInstanceId : String
  • nexusRepositoryId : String
    The publisher currently supports hosted release Maven 2 repositories. This list is limited to repositories which meet this requirement.
  • packages
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'MavenPackage'
      • mavenCoordinate
          Nested Object
        • groupId : String
        • artifactId : String
        • version : String
        • packaging : String
      • mavenAssetList
          Array / List of Nested Object
        • filePath : String
        • classifier : String
        • extension : String
  • tagName : String (optional)
    Tag is only available for Nexus Repository Manager 3+

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