The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

TraceTronic ECU-TEST Plugin

publishATX: [TT] Publish ATX Reports

Publishes the ATX reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
These ATX reports are generated automatically in this post-build step and uploaded to TEST-GUIDE.

Pipeline usage
publishATX(String atxName, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
publishATX(ATXInstallation installation, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ATXServer.publish(boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ATXServer.publish(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
publishATX('TEST-GUIDE', false, false, true, true)
def server = ATX.server('TEST-GUIDE')
publishATX atxInstallation: server.installation
def server = ATX.newServer('TEST-GUIDE', 'ECU-TEST')
def server = ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST'
server.publish allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
  • atxName : String
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • atxInstallation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • toolName : String
    • config
        Nested Object
      • settings
        • Type:<?>
      • customSettings
          Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
        • atxCustomBooleanSetting
          • name : String
          • checked : boolean
        • atxCustomTextSetting
          • name : String
          • value : String
  • failOnOffline : boolean (optional)
  • injectBuildVars : boolean (optional)
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
  • usePersistedSettings : boolean (optional)

generateCache: [TT] Generate Caches

Generate ECU-TEST file caches (A2L, ELF, Bus, Model and Service caches are supported).
  • caches
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • type
      • Values: A2L, ELF, BUS, MODEL, SERVICE
    • filePath : String
    • dbChannel : String
    • clear : boolean

downstreamPublisher: [TT] Downstream Report Generation

Generates report downstream-based on another Jenkins node. In order to work the ECU-TEST workspace has to be copied to that node with all relevant data (i.e. report directory) to generate reports. This can be achieved for free-style projects with the Copy Artifact Plugin or in pipelines with the stash/unstash commands.
  • workspace : String
  • reportDir : String
  • publishers (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • publishATX

      Publishes the ATX reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
      These ATX reports are generated automatically in this post-build step and uploaded to TEST-GUIDE.

      Pipeline usage
      publishATX(String atxName, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      publishATX(ATXInstallation installation, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ATXServer.publish(boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ATXServer.publish(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
      publishATX('TEST-GUIDE', false, false, true, true)
      def server = ATX.server('TEST-GUIDE')
      publishATX atxInstallation: server.installation
      def server = ATX.newServer('TEST-GUIDE', 'ECU-TEST')
      def server = ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST'
      server.publish allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
      • atxName : String
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • atxInstallation (optional)
          Nested Object
        • name : String
        • toolName : String
        • config
            Nested Object
          • settings
            • Type:<?>
          • customSettings
              Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
            • atxCustomBooleanSetting
              • name : String
              • checked : boolean
            • atxCustomTextSetting
              • name : String
              • value : String
      • failOnOffline : boolean (optional)
      • injectBuildVars : boolean (optional)
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
      • usePersistedSettings : boolean (optional)
    • publishETLogs
      Publishes the ECU-TEST log files (ECU_TEST_OUT.log and ECU_TEST_ERR.log) and parses them for warning and errors.
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • failedOnError : boolean (optional)
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
      • testSpecific : boolean (optional)
      • unstableOnWarning : boolean (optional)
    • publishUNIT

      Publishes the UNIT reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
      These UNIT reports are generated automatically in this post-build step.

      Pipeline usage
      publishUNIT(String toolName, double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold) : void
      publishUNIT(ETInstallation installation, double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed) : void
      ETInstance.publishUNIT(double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed) : void
      ETInstance.publishUNIT(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
      publishUNIT('ECU-TEST', 10, 20)
      def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
      publishUNIT installation: instance.installation, unstableThreshold: 10, failedThreshold: 20
      def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
      def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
      instance.publishUNIT unstableThreshold: 10, failedThreshold: 20, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true
      • toolName : String
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • failedThreshold : double (optional)
      • installation (optional)
          Nested Object
        • name : String
        • home : String
        • properties
          • Type: ? extends<?>
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
      • unstableThreshold : double (optional)
    • publishGenerators

      Publishes and generates reports by configuration of predefined and/or custom report generators.
      These reports will be generated for all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.

      Pipeline usage
      publishGenerators(String toolName, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators) : void
      publishGenerators(ETInstallation installation, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators,
                        boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ETInstance.publishGenerators(List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators,
                                   boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ETInstance.publishGenerators(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
      publishGenerators toolName: 'ECU-TEST', generators: [[name: 'JSON']]
      def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
      publishGenerators installation: instance.installation, generators: [[name: 'JSON']]
      def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
      instance.publishGenerators([[name: 'JSON']], [[name: 'Custom-JSON']])
      def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
      instance.publishGenerators generators: [[name: 'JSON']], customGenerators: [[name: 'Custom-JSON']], allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
      • toolName : String
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • customGenerators (optional)
          Array / List of Nested Object
        • name : String
        • settings
            Array / List of Nested Object
          • name : String
          • value : String
        • usePersistedSettings : boolean
      • generators (optional)
          Array / List of Nested Object
        • name : String
        • settings
            Array / List of Nested Object
          • name : String
          • value : String
        • usePersistedSettings : boolean
      • installation (optional)
          Nested Object
        • name : String
        • home : String
        • properties
          • Type: ? extends<?>
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
    • publishTMS

      Publishes the test results of all configured ECU-TEST projects in this job to a preconfigured test management system like RQM or ALM.

      Pipeline usage
      publishTMS(String toolName, String credentialsId, int timeout) : void
      publishTMS(ETInstallation installation, String credentialsId, int timeout,
                 boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ETInstance.publishTMS(String credentialsId, int timeout) : void
      ETInstance.publishTMS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
      def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
      publishTMS installation: instance.installation, credentialsId: 'id', timeout: 120
      def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
      def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
      instance.publishTMS credentialsId: 'id', timeout: 120, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
      • toolName : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • installation (optional)
          Nested Object
        • name : String
        • home : String
        • properties
          • Type: ? extends<?>
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
      • timeout : String (optional)
    • publishTRF
      Publishes the TRF reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
    • publishTraceAnalysis

      Publishes the results of the trace analysis of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.

      Pipeline usage
      publishTraceAnalysis(String toolName, boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout) : void
      publishTraceAnalysis(ETInstallation installation, boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout,
                           boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
      ETInstance.publishTraceAnalysis(boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout) : void
      ETInstance.publishTraceAnalysis(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
      def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
      publishTraceAnalysis installation: instance.installation, mergeReports: true, createReportDir: false
      def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
      def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
      instance.publishTraceAnalysis mergeReports: true, createReportDir: false, timeout: 120, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
      • toolName : String
      • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
      • archiving : boolean (optional)
      • createReportDir : boolean (optional)
      • installation (optional)
          Nested Object
        • name : String
        • home : String
        • properties
          • Type: ? extends<?>
      • keepAll : boolean (optional)
      • mergeReports : boolean (optional)
      • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
      • timeout : String (optional)

publishETLogs: [TT] Publish ECU-TEST Logs

Publishes the ECU-TEST log files (ECU_TEST_OUT.log and ECU_TEST_ERR.log) and parses them for warning and errors.
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • failedOnError : boolean (optional)
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
  • testSpecific : boolean (optional)
  • unstableOnWarning : boolean (optional)

exportPackages: [TT] Export Packages

Exports ECU-TEST packages and their attributes to a test management system like RQM or ALM.
  • exportConfigs (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importConfigPath : String
      • replaceFiles : boolean
    • $class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importMissingPackages : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
      • tmProjectId : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String

exportProjects: [TT] Export Projects

Exports ECU-TEST projects and their attributes to a test management system like RQM or ALM.
  • exportConfigs (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importConfigPath : String
      • replaceFiles : boolean
    • $class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importMissingPackages : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
      • tmProjectId : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String

importPackages: [TT] Import Packages

Imports ECU-TEST packages and their attributes from a test management system like RQM or ALM.
  • importConfigs (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importConfigPath : String
      • replaceFiles : boolean
    • $class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importMissingPackages : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
      • tmProjectId : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String

importProjects: [TT] Import Projects

Imports ECU-TEST projects and their attributes from an archive or a test management system like RQM or ALM.
  • importConfigs (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • exportPath : String
      • createNewPath : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importConfigPath : String
      • replaceFiles : boolean
    • $class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
      • filePath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • importMissingPackages : boolean
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String
      • tmProjectId : String
    • $class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
      • tmsPath : String
      • importPath : String
      • credentialsId : String
      • timeout : String

publishUNIT: [TT] Publish UNIT Reports

Publishes the UNIT reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
These UNIT reports are generated automatically in this post-build step.

Pipeline usage
publishUNIT(String toolName, double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold) : void
publishUNIT(ETInstallation installation, double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed) : void
ETInstance.publishUNIT(double unstableThreshold, double failedThreshold, boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed) : void
ETInstance.publishUNIT(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
publishUNIT('ECU-TEST', 10, 20)
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
publishUNIT installation: instance.installation, unstableThreshold: 10, failedThreshold: 20
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.publishUNIT unstableThreshold: 10, failedThreshold: 20, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true
  • toolName : String
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • failedThreshold : double (optional)
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
  • unstableThreshold : double (optional)

checkETLicense: [TT] Check ECU-TEST License

Check ECU-TEST license.

Pipelines usage:
checkETLicense(String toolName) : void
  • toolName : String
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • timeout : String (optional)

publishGenerators: [TT] Publish Generator Reports

Publishes and generates reports by configuration of predefined and/or custom report generators.
These reports will be generated for all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.

Pipeline usage
publishGenerators(String toolName, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators) : void
publishGenerators(ETInstallation installation, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators,
                  boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ETInstance.publishGenerators(List<ReportGeneratorConfig> generators, List<ReportGeneratorConfig> customGenerators,
                             boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ETInstance.publishGenerators(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
publishGenerators toolName: 'ECU-TEST', generators: [[name: 'JSON']]
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
publishGenerators installation: instance.installation, generators: [[name: 'JSON']]
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
instance.publishGenerators([[name: 'JSON']], [[name: 'Custom-JSON']])
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.publishGenerators generators: [[name: 'JSON']], customGenerators: [[name: 'Custom-JSON']], allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
  • toolName : String
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • customGenerators (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • name : String
    • settings
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • usePersistedSettings : boolean
  • generators (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Object
    • name : String
    • settings
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • usePersistedSettings : boolean
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)

startET: [TT] Start ECU-TEST

Configure and start a preconfigured ECU-TEST installation.

Pipeline usage
startET(String toolName) : void
startET(String toolName, String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout,
        boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start() : void
ETInstance.start(String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout,
         boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
startET installation: instance.installation, workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data'
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.start workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data', settingsDir: 'C:\\Data', timeout: 120, debugMode: true, keepInstance: false, updateUserLibs: true
  • toolName : String
  • debugMode : boolean (optional)
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepInstance : boolean (optional)
  • settingsDir : String (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)
  • updateUserLibs : boolean (optional)
  • workspaceDir : String (optional)

startTS: [TT] Start Tool-Server

Configure and start Tool-Server.

Pipeline usage
startTS(String toolName) : void
startTS(String toolName, String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS() : void
ETInstance.startTS(String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
startTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.startTS toolLibsIniPath: C:\\ToolLibs.ini, tcpPort: 5017, timeout: 60, keepInstance: false
  • toolName : String
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepInstance : boolean (optional)
  • tcpPort : String (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)
  • toolLibsIni : String (optional)

stopET: [TT] Stop ECU-TEST

Shutdown ECU-TEST.

Pipelines usage:
stopET(String toolName) : void
stopET(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop() : void
ETInstance.stop(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
stopET installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.stop timeout: 60
  • toolName : String
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • timeout : String (optional)

stopTS: [TT] Stop Tool-Server

Shutdown Tool-Server.

Pipelines usage:
stopTS(String toolName) : void
stopTS(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS() : void
ETInstance.stopTS(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
stopTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.stopTS timeout: 60
  • toolName : String
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • timeout : String (optional)

publishTMS: [TT] Publish to Test Management System

Publishes the test results of all configured ECU-TEST projects in this job to a preconfigured test management system like RQM or ALM.

Pipeline usage
publishTMS(String toolName, String credentialsId, int timeout) : void
publishTMS(ETInstallation installation, String credentialsId, int timeout,
           boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ETInstance.publishTMS(String credentialsId, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.publishTMS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
publishTMS installation: instance.installation, credentialsId: 'id', timeout: 120
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.publishTMS credentialsId: 'id', timeout: 120, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
  • toolName : String
  • credentialsId : String
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)

publishTRF: [TT] Publish TRF Reports

Publishes the TRF reports of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)

testFolder: [TT] Run Test Folder

Execute a test folder.
  • testFile : String
  • executionConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • timeout : String
    • stopOnError : boolean
    • checkTestFile : boolean
    • recordWarnings : boolean
  • failFast : boolean (optional)
  • packageConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • runTest : boolean
    • runTraceAnalysis : boolean
    • parameters
      Definition of ECU-TEST package parameters consisting of a unique name and a value.
      Numeric value entries will be automatically converted to Numeric type in ECU-TEST.
      For now only Numeric and String types are supported.
      Note: From ECU-TEST Version 2022.3 on, no invalid control characters are recognized anymore! In particular, this means that backslashes in Windows paths need to be escaped (C:\\my\\path instead of C:\my\path), such that 'Backslash - next character' is not interpreted as escape sequence, avoiding an error in ECU-TEST.
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • outputParameters
      Definition of ECU-TEST package output parameter consisting of a unique name.
      Defined package output parameters are written to related environment variables after test execution has finished.
      The environment variable has the following syntax: TT_TEST_RETVAL_<VARIABLE NAME>_<INDEX>
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
  • projectConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
    • filterExpression : String
    • jobExecMode
  • recursiveScan : boolean (optional)
  • scanMode (optional)
  • testConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • tbcFile : String
    • tcfFile : String
    • forceReload : boolean
    • loadOnly : boolean
    • keepConfig : boolean
    • constants
      Definition of global constants consisting of an unique name and a value. Numeric value entries will be automatically converted to a Python integer literal, or to a Python string literal.
      If the global constant does not exist it is created and saved instantly in the current test configuration.
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String

testPackage: [TT] Run Package

Execute a ECU-TEST package.
  • testFile : String
  • executionConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • timeout : String
    • stopOnError : boolean
    • checkTestFile : boolean
    • recordWarnings : boolean
  • packageConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • runTest : boolean
    • runTraceAnalysis : boolean
    • parameters
      Definition of ECU-TEST package parameters consisting of a unique name and a value.
      Numeric value entries will be automatically converted to Numeric type in ECU-TEST.
      For now only Numeric and String types are supported.
      Note: From ECU-TEST Version 2022.3 on, no invalid control characters are recognized anymore! In particular, this means that backslashes in Windows paths need to be escaped (C:\\my\\path instead of C:\my\path), such that 'Backslash - next character' is not interpreted as escape sequence, avoiding an error in ECU-TEST.
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String
    • outputParameters
      Definition of ECU-TEST package output parameter consisting of a unique name.
      Defined package output parameters are written to related environment variables after test execution has finished.
      The environment variable has the following syntax: TT_TEST_RETVAL_<VARIABLE NAME>_<INDEX>
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
  • testConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • tbcFile : String
    • tcfFile : String
    • forceReload : boolean
    • loadOnly : boolean
    • keepConfig : boolean
    • constants
      Definition of global constants consisting of an unique name and a value. Numeric value entries will be automatically converted to a Python integer literal, or to a Python string literal.
      If the global constant does not exist it is created and saved instantly in the current test configuration.
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String

testProject: [TT] Run Project

Execute a ECU-TEST project.
  • testFile : String
  • executionConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • timeout : String
    • stopOnError : boolean
    • checkTestFile : boolean
    • recordWarnings : boolean
  • projectConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
    • filterExpression : String
    • jobExecMode
  • testConfig (optional)
      Nested Object
    • tbcFile : String
    • tcfFile : String
    • forceReload : boolean
    • loadOnly : boolean
    • keepConfig : boolean
    • constants
      Definition of global constants consisting of an unique name and a value. Numeric value entries will be automatically converted to a Python integer literal, or to a Python string literal.
      If the global constant does not exist it is created and saved instantly in the current test configuration.
        Array / List of Nested Object
      • name : String
      • value : String

publishTraceAnalysis: [TT] Publish Trace Analysis

Publishes the results of the trace analysis of all configured ECU-TEST packages or projects in this job.

Pipeline usage
publishTraceAnalysis(String toolName, boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout) : void
publishTraceAnalysis(ETInstallation installation, boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout,
                     boolean allowMissing, boolean runOnFailed, boolean archiving, boolean keepAll) : void
ETInstance.publishTraceAnalysis(boolean mergeReports, boolean createReportDir, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.publishTraceAnalysis(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
publishTraceAnalysis installation: instance.installation, mergeReports: true, createReportDir: false
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0'
instance.publishTraceAnalysis mergeReports: true, createReportDir: false, timeout: 120, allowMissing: true, runOnFailed: true, archiving: true, keepAll: true
  • toolName : String
  • allowMissing : boolean (optional)
  • archiving : boolean (optional)
  • createReportDir : boolean (optional)
  • installation (optional)
      Nested Object
    • name : String
    • home : String
    • properties
      • Type: ? extends<?>
  • keepAll : boolean (optional)
  • mergeReports : boolean (optional)
  • runOnFailed : boolean (optional)
  • timeout : String (optional)

getATXServer: Get TEST-GUIDE server by name

Gets a TEST-GUIDE server instance by name which must be present in the TEST-GUIDE installations. Existing settings can be discovered and overridden afterwards.

For providing secrets like upload authentication key or proxy settings utilize credentials binding and pass as masked environment variables.

ATX.server(String atxName) : ATXServer
ATXServer.getSetting(String settingName) : ATXSetting
ATXServer.getSettings() : Map<String, Object>
ATXServer.overrideSetting(String settingName, Object settingValue) : void
ATXServer.overrideSettings(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
ATX.server atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE'
def server ATX.server atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE'
server.overrideSetting('uploadToServer', true)
server.overrideSettings([serverURL: 'localhost', useHttpsConnection: true])
  • atxName : String

getETInstallation: Get ECU-TEST installation by name

Gets an ECU-TEST installation instance by name which must be present in Jenkins global tool configuration.

ET.installation(String toolName) : ETInstance
ET.installation(Map<String, Object> installArgs) : ETInstance
ET.installation toolName: 'ECU-TEST'
  • toolName : String

isConfigStarted: Check ECU-TEST configuration status

Checks whether the currently selected ECU-TEST configurations are started.

ETInstance.isConfigStarted() : boolean
def instance = ET.installation('ECU-TEST')
boolean isConfigStarted = instance.isConfigStarted()
  • toolName : String

newATXServer: Return new TEST-GUIDE server

Creates a new dynamic TEST-GUIDE server instance which is only accessible during pipeline execution. TEST-GUIDE name (atxName) and used ECU-TEST installation (toolName) are required whereas missing optional settings will be initialized to their default values.

For providing secrets like upload authentication key or proxy settings utilize credentials binding and pass as masked environment variables.

ATX.newServer(String atxName, String toolName) : ATXServer
ATX.newServer(String atxName, String toolName, ATXConfig config) : ATXServer
ATX.newServer(String atxName, String toolName, String fullServerURL, boolean uploadToServer, String authKey, String projectId) : ATXServer
ATXServer.newServer(Map<String, Object> serverArgs) : ATXServer
ATX.newServer('TEST-GUIDE', 'ECU-TEST', 'http://localhost:8085', false, '', '1')
ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST', fullServerURL: '', uploadToServer: true

is equivalent to:

def server =  ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST'
server.overrideSetting('serverURL', '')
server.overrideSetting('serverPort', '8086')
server.overrideSetting('serverContextPath', 'context')
server.overrideSetting('useHttpsConnection', true)
server.overrideSetting('uploadToServer', true)
ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST', enableArchive: false

is equivalent to:

def server =  ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST'
server.overrideSetting('enableArchive', false)
ATX.newServer atxName: 'TEST-GUIDE', toolName: 'ECU-TEST',
    config: atxConfig(
        settings: [
            atxTextSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'serverURL', value: ''),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'serverLabel', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'useHttpsConnection', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'ignoreSSL', value: false),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'serverPort', value: '8085'),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'serverContextPath', value: ''),
            atxSecretSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'httpProxy', value: ''),
            atxSecretSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'httpsProxy', value: ''),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'projectId', value: '1'),
            atxSecretSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'uploadAuthenticationKey', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'CONNECTION', name: 'useSettingsFromServer', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'UPLOAD', name: 'uploadAsync', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'UPLOAD', name: 'uploadToServer', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'UPLOAD', name: 'compressUpload', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'UPLOAD', name: 'cleanAfterSuccessUpload', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'UPLOAD', name: 'uploadOnlyProjectReport', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'enableArchive', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveTrf', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archivePkg', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveTcf', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveTbc', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveMapping', value: false),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveRecordings', value: 'False'),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveRecordingsByAttributes', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveRecordingMetadata', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archivePlots', value: true),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveMiscFiles', value: ''),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveMiscFilePrefix', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveMiscFilesOnlyInTestReportDir', value: true),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ARCHIVE', name: 'archiveBy', value: 'NONE;SUCCESS;INCONCLUSIVE;FAILED;ERROR'),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'coveredAttributes', value: 'Testlevel;Designer;Execution Priority;Estimated Duration [min];'),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'attributeDelimiter', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'mapIsTestCaseAsAttribute', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'mapTestCaseVersionAsAttribute', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'mapRootPrjAttrToPkgAttr', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'includePkgSVNRevision', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'ATTRIBUTE', name: 'mapSwkIdsAsAttribute', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'TBC_CONSTANTS', name: 'mapTbcToolAsConstant', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'TCF_CONSTANTS', name: 'mapTcfTesterAsConstant', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'TCF_CONSTANTS', name: 'mapTCFPropertyAsConstant', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'TCF_CONSTANTS', name: 'mapUserDefinedReportDataAsConstant', value: true),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'TCF_CONSTANTS', name: 'setConstants', value: ''),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'TCF_CONSTANTS', name: 'setAttributes', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'autoATXGeneratorUpdate', value: true),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'includeToolIdentifier', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'onlyIncludePkgTestCases', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'overrideParamSetNameMapping', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'mapProjectElementNameAsTestCaseName', value: false),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'mapSubPackageAsTestCaseLevel', value: '0'),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'captureSubPackageOnVerdict', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'mapSeparateProjectExecutionAsSingleTestplan', value: false),
            atxTextSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'mapAttributeAsConstant', value: ''),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'mapTestReportPathAsConstant', value: false),
            atxBooleanSetting(group: 'SPECIAL', name: 'includeResourceAdapterInfo', value: true)],
        customSettings: [
            atxCustomBooleanSetting(name: 'customOption', checked: true),
            atxCustomTextSetting(name: 'customLabel', value: 'test')])
  • atxName : String
  • toolName : String
  • config
      Nested Object
    • settings
      • Type:<?>
    • customSettings
        Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
      • atxCustomBooleanSetting
        • name : String
        • checked : boolean
      • atxCustomTextSetting
        • name : String
        • value : String

newETInstallation: Return new ECU-TEST installation

Creates a new dynamic ECU-TEST installation instance which is only accessible during pipeline execution.

ET.newInstallation(String toolName, String installPath) : ETInstance
ET.newInstallation(String toolName, String installPath, String progId, int timeout) : ETInstance
ET.newInstallation(Map<String, Object> installArgs) : ETInstance
ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0')
ET.newInstallation('ECU-TEST', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0', 'ECU-TEST.Application', 120)
ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ECU-TEST', installPath: 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0', progId: 'ECU-TEST.Application', timeout: 120
  • toolName : String
  • installPath : String
  • property
      Nested Object
    • progId : String
    • timeout : int
    • registerComServer : boolean

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